Would you like to learn how to quickly create popular, unique book pages children will love to use, even if you can't draw?
Would you like to create them for free using free software, free fonts and free images?
Would you like to sell books on Amazon that have only a few words and are eligible for extended distribution?
Would you like over the shoulder lessons so using the software is easy?
If the answer is yes to one, two, or all these questions, I have found the answer and it is easier than you think. Creating unique book pages that both children and their parent's love isn't difficult if you know what to make and how to make it. To be honest, the hard thing is to find the products and their niches to create the products in.
Hi, my name is Marian Blake. Over the last few years, I have made it my quest to find digital product niches that are simple to make and that are saleable on sites such as Etsy, Amazon and Print on Demand (POD) sites. I especially like to create digital products that I can create, published and leave to sell so I can spend my time creating more products.
To do this, I spend hours learning different software and diving into digital product niches to find products that sell that I can make quickly and easily.
So what have I found?
In 2020, Amazon once again changed the rules on self publishing. They "downgraded" low content books so that they weren't eligible for extended distribution unless you, as the author, provided an ISBN. Why is this so important? Okay, Amazon is a big marketplace, BUT it is not the only marketplace. If you have an ISBN, they can sell your books in bookshops and supermarkets, so increasing your revenue per book. The more marketplaces you are in, the greater the chance of book sales.
After a lot of reading and research, I have found that Amazon is still giving out Free ISBN's for mid or medium content books. Great. Medium or mid content books are books that have unique content on every page, unlike low content books where the same page is repeated again and again.
More diving into the research, gave me a list of 20 different medium or mid content book. All of them require more work than a low content book, but the amount of work varies from book type to book type. Some book types require paid for software to create them like crosswords and Sudoku, so I excluded them. Eventually, I found a book that is easy to create pages for using free software and free images - RE-Sult. This type of book requires few words as it is for children, and once it's used, their parents will buy them another one and another one.......
So what is this book type? It's activity pages, especially activity pages for young children.

Here are two images I created using the techniques I will show you. A simple spot-the-difference image and a simple dot-to-dot image.
I am so happy to announce my new course
Activity Pages from Images
How to create Activity Pages in Inkscape

Some interesting stats on searches in the USA.
People search for Activity Books on Google 5000 time per month.
People search for Dot to Dot books on Google 5000 times per month and it is an increasing search trend.
The term Dot Marker pages are only searched for 500 times per month, but it is an increasing search trend.
The term Paint by Number is searched for 50000 per month, and it is an increasing search trend.
What will you get with the course?
Included in my "Activity Pages from Images" course is
- Over 20 bite-size videos to guide you through the products and techniques.
- You will learn how to make Seven Activity page types.
- You will learn THREE ways to create 'find the hidden images' pages.
- How to easily create simple and more difficult dot-to-dot images.
- How to create 'scissor skills pages' from simple lines to non regular shapes plus a bonus technique.
- How to create 'paint by number images'.
- How to make 'odd one out images' from free to use Icons.
- and much more.....
You can make multiple pages and create a book or sell them on Etsy so that your customers can print them for themselves.
You can create templates so that it is easy to create variations.
You can create them for all ages. I recommend the 3-5 age group as the images are simpler to create.
You can create them using free public domain sources and then they are yours to use, sell, or give away.
If you can follow instructions and can click a mouse, you can do this.
A quick word about Inkscape
I know you haven't used Inkscape and wonder what type of image software it is. Inkscape is a vector graphics program on the same lines as Adobe Illustrator and Affinity Designer. It is not a copy of either, but works similarly to get the same results.
Why am I using this software?
- It has more features than my usual software of choice.
- It allows you to take small images and make them huge without losing definition and getting pixelation or vice versa.
- It allows you to save in many formats so you can create multiple products with the same design.
- You can import an image and then manipulate it.
- You can start with a blank canvas and create your own design.
- It is versatile and means I can use one software to do what I need, when in the past I needed two or even three.
- And last, IT IS FREE TO USE. No purchase fees. No monthly fees. No updates fees.
Okay, it isn't perfect. BUT it is very, very good. Inkscape is a free to use, open-source vector graphics editor. The website admits it is not as good as Adobe Illustrator for some things, but they say it can be "used to create, edit, render vector graphics, including complex drawings and illustrations". I have found that it works very well for me as a digital product designer.
Activity Pages from Images
The Course that shows you how to easily create image based activity pages, even if you can't draw!
Normally $67
Now Only $27 until 02/26/23
You missed out!
When the countdown reaches zero, the price reverts to full price.

Marian Blake - Creator of A Life of Their Own.
Your Questions Answered
Q. Won't it be expensive?
A. You can use Free Images and Inkscape is FREE, so nothing to pay.
Q. Is this just for Windows users?
A. No. Inkscape works on GNU/Linux, Windows and macOS, so anyone can use these techniques.
Q. Is it hard to do?
A. The simple answer is NO. If you can follow instructions, you can do this.
Q. I Don’t Know Where to Start?
A. This course contains both “Over the Shoulder” follow-a-long series of videos and niche research videos, so if you follow them you will create designs to sell.
Q: Do I Give Refunds?
A: Sorry, there are no refunds.
Q: Is there an upsell?
A: No. It’s all included.
Q: Can I contact you if I have a problem?
A: Yes. Please email marian@marians.design with your questions.
Q: How do I get my course after I have purchased?
A: After purchase you will find your training course under the menu option "My Courses".