American Beauties 1.
There are 30 images in this pack. They date from the late 19th and early 20 centuries, and were originally published as cover art for ladies’ magazines in the USA. As such, they were considered disposable. To me, they are works of art.
I have removed the publishing details and changed them from 96 ppi to 300 ppi so they are suitable to use in print.
I recommend you blend the edges of the images or the images themselves to enhance their appearance.
The images vary in size and you can use them in journals, scrapbook pages or other multi media art works.
I saved the images as PNG’s with a transparent background.
They are in the public domain.
Your Rights
You have the rights to use them commercially as part of a book or page design or artwork You do not have the rights to sell the images as individual images or re-bundle them as a smaller collection or with other images to sell.