Boredom – Your parents were wrong.

How many times have you heard it or even worse, how many times have you heard it and done something about it? What is the “it” I am talking about? I’m bored. When I was a child, if I said I was bored, I would be given something to do to stop me making trouble or told...

Another use for the Easy Journals Plugin

Easy Journals is a free plugin created by Hans Miedema, which allows you to add text and images to a PowerPoint presentation, but I have found another use for it. Have a look at the video below. Here’s the link to get the free...

Speeding Up production

The Tuesday’s Tip Today is two videos. Both are for PowerPoint users. If you bought my last course on creating coloring book pages, this can help you. The first is about using Slide Master. You can load your backgrounds on a slide in slide master and then you...

Customizing your PowerPoint Toolbar

Customizing your toolbar in PowerPoint can make you more productive and if you are like me and your hands ache after a lot of clicking, may make your hands more comfortable as you will be click less. Watch the quick video to see how easy it...